Do you guys know about Kasmeneo on Flickr? He is a dude who lives in Germany and posts photos of the outfits he wears. He buys whatever clothes he wants, regardless of what gender they’re intended for, and wears them with style. In other words, he looks awesome. This is one of my favorites.
Category Archives: the small
how life begins
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this story about the photos featured in the 1965 book A Child Is Born (a book that fascinated me as a kid), but I still find it pretty interesting, and fraught with dramatic irony. Photos taken of aborted fetuses are used as propaganda by pro-life activists; perfect!
new york times via broadsheet
“By age 7, almost half of the jittery babies had developed symptoms of anxiety — fear of thunder or dogs or darkness, extreme shyness in the classroom or playground — compared with just 10 percent of the more easygoing ones.” I had all of those symptoms as a child, so if this study holds true, it’s no wonder I’ve got anxiety.