sxsw 2003 photos, mostly finished.
Category Archives: sxsw
i always take forever to get photos up, mostly because i don’t have a digital camera, and putting photos on the internet involves driving out to my parents’ house, using their scanner, optimizing all the photos, etc. anyway, sxsw 2002. enjoy.
i’ve been feeling alienated from this site for awhile now. i’m not sure why. maybe it’s because i’ve been busy with other things and people and places and i haven’t really had time to do a lot with it. maybe it’s because nothing worth writing has really grabbed me in the past few days. maybe it’s because i’m supposed to be writing something else. maybe i’ve been doing this for too long.
perhaps, then, it’s good that i’ll be gone almost two weeks. i’ll regroup. i’ll go to london and see friends. i’ll go to cambridge and see other friends. i’ll go to austin and see still other friends. i’ll play kickball and do 20×2. i’ll drink a lot, eat junk food and spend too much money. it’s going to be good.
wish me luck. i’ll miss you, a little.