The Last Bite and The Gospel of Consumption are two of the best articles I’ve read in awhile, proving that I do indeed see everything through the apocalypse lens.
The Last Bite and The Gospel of Consumption are two of the best articles I’ve read in awhile, proving that I do indeed see everything through the apocalypse lens.
just wanted to say, i loved the small!
let’s be relativist here. why is the small the small? why is the small not the normal, and the normal is the huge?? it is society, putting a label on the small, telling it what to expect from itself, making sure it stays in place: you’re just the small. only the small. don’t try too hard, small. aspire to a good part-time job and a condo, maybe the treasurer of the condo association. a girlfriend, perhaps, whom you met on the bus route to the odd lots, and if you’re good and save up, a movie once a week. brush your teeth twice a day, and floss. you can do it, small. we’re all cheering for you.
I think if the normal was the huge, I’d pressure myself to perform. I’d go to write something in the huge, and I’d think to myself, “Let’s hit this one out of the park! It’s gotta be HUGE!” It might be a recipe for failure.
Plus I can’t say the word huge without doing it in a Scottish accent. Everyone would get tired of that pretty quickly.
i am hearing it right now, (scottish voice), “theees, theeees is foookin’ HEUGE!!”
Visions of possible apocalyptic scenarios:
Blade Runner
Mad Max
The Stand by Stephen King
Yay for the small! We love the small!
On the relative scale, sometimes the small is vast.